We understand how difficult it is to leave work on time to make an appointment. We also know how life can sometimes get in the way of keeping up with your wellness regimen.
However, we also recognize your desire for a healthier and happier life. You want to know what exercise routines are the best fit and which nutrition plan is right for you. This is where we can help!
VHPGO is a completely virtual app, that you can access from your phone, tablet or computer. You’ll get live support and 1:1 coaching from a team of wellness specialists. Through the app, you can schedule appointments or attend live classes with your choice of wellness specialists. Plus, you can access nutrition, fitness and lifestyle modification videos, and message our team anywhere, anytime.
How can you access the VHPGO app?
Clients are invited to the VHPGO platform by a participating partner or provider. Clients who are interested can also contact Virtual Health Partners to be connected with a participating partner who can help set them up with a membership. Contact us to learn more!