In collaboration with VHPGO, Dr. Pesta is bringing nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle support to your fingertips.

We know how challenging a time it is for everyone and we want to offer a trusted program to help support you.

Hello All!

  I have some exciting news! I have partnered with VHPGO to assist you with your wellness and weight loss goals whether you are post bariatric surgery, pre bariatric surgery, or just looking for help to look and feel your best. The program is completely virtual and includes live one-on-one nutrition appointments, fitness classes, and lifestyle modification coaching by a team of health experts, as well as an amazing library of recipes, lessons, and encouragement. With the ease of use, the amazing amount of content, and the “on the go” capability, I am confident that these programs will give you the boost you need to reach the next level. Choose the package that is right for you. I will be following along with you, and checking in on your progress digitally for accountability, and support. Best wishes for a Successful journey!

-Dr Carl Pesta


Live Nutrition, Fitness,

& Lifestyle Classes

Virtual 1:1 Appointments with

Nutrition Specialist


Nutrition, Fitness, & Lifestyle Videos

Personalized Recipes and

Meal Plans


Food Diary

Wellness Trackers



1 Live Virtual 1:1 with VHP Nutrition Specialist

4 Live Virtual Fitness Classes with VHP Team

2 Live Virtual Nutrition Classes with VHP Team

2 Live Virtual Lifestyle Modification Classes with VHP Team

Fitness, Nutrition, & Lifestyle Library

Unlimited Messaging with VHP Nutrition Specialists

Meal Plans & Recipes

Wellness Trackers